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Slip-and-fall cases are complex undertakings

On Behalf of | Nov 25, 2016 | Firm News, Slip-and-fall Injuries |

You slipped and fell on another person’s property. That fall led to injuries. Those injuries required that you obtain medical care, and possibly that you miss work. Are you supposed to just cover all of those expenses and let the property owner off scott-free? In most cases, the answer is no. You don’t have to just suck up the losses. Instead, you can file a claim for compensation.

Despite the casual way that many comedies portray slip-and-fall accidents, these are often associated with very serious injuries. A person who falls might hit his or her head or suffer from a back injury. Those could be very costly, both in medical bills and lost wages. In some cases, victims of slip-and-fall accidents will suffer other financial damages that demand recovery.

We know that you didn’t think that you were going to slip, fall, and be injured when you left home. This places an undue burden on you because you didn’t have time to plan for the downtime. We can help you to learn about how seeking compensation might help you to cope with the losses and burdens that the accident causes.

When you file for compensation, you will have to prove liability for the accident. This can often be a complex undertaking because of the elements that must be present to prove liability. We can help you to discover how you can prove those elements and get your case moving forward. We understand that your time and energy are likely limited, so we will work on your behalf to investigate, file, and present your case.

