While many have heard of post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, you may still be unaware of the experiences that can cause the condition. The term is frequently used to diagnose those coming back from war or those who have been through a traumatic life event. If you have been injured in an on-the-job accident or seen a horrific one involving your co-workers, you should watch for the following signs of PTSD.
Those who suffer from PTSD will often avoid talking or thinking about the event. They will also avoid people, activities and places that bring the event to mind. If this behavior lasts more than a month, it may be time to receive treatment for PTSD.
Emotional and physical changes
If you have been through a traumatic incident and fear you may suffer from PTSD, you will notice that you are easily frightened or startled. You will always feel as if you must be on guard to avoid danger. You may start self-destructive behaviors such as driving too fast or heavy drinking. You may also have trouble concentrating and sleeping, and have bouts of overwhelming shame and guilt.
Negative thoughts
Another common symptom of PTSD is the prevalence of negative thoughts about the world, other people or even yourself. You may feel hopeless about your future and have problems remembering the event you suffered. You may find it difficult to stay close to friends and family, and you may feel detached from emotions to feel numb.
Intrusive negative memories
Memories of the event may be distressing and unwanted, but you cannot stop them from coming. You may relive the trauma in the form of flashbacks and nightmares, or have severe physical or emotional distress when something reminds you of the trauma.
If you are suffering from PTSD from a traumatic incident you experienced, particularly an on-the-job injury, you should seek the help of an attorney immediately.