One of the primary questions that comes up when a person is in a car wreck is how they are going to pay for the cost of the crash. The answer to this isn’t always easy. In some instances, you may have to fight for every penny that is due to you. This is particularly the case if you are struck by a driver who didn’t have proper insurance coverage. Hopefully, you have uninsured and underinsured coverage on your policy (but all hope isn’t lost if you don’t).
We know that you might be concerned about every cent that you are spending right now. This might be even more accurate if you can’t return to work because of your injuries. In this instance, there is a good chance that you don’t have an income right now. You may feel like you are drowning in the bills that stem from the accident.
You do have the option of seeking compensation from the driver who struck you. If the driver was in a commercial vehicle, you may also be able to seek compensation from the company that employs the driver. This isn’t an always easy task, but it is one that is necessary if you need to recover any money. Honestly, there isn’t a good reason why you should be the person who has to deal with the financial burden from a crash that wasn’t your fault!
We can help you to put your case together so that you can work toward your goal of reducing the financial impact the crash has on your life. Just make sure that you do this quickly since there are time limits that apply to a car accident claim.