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What obligations do businesses have regarding premises liability?

On Behalf of | Oct 8, 2019 | Slip-and-fall Injuries |

When a client or other individual slips and falls while on a Georgia business’s property, then the person is within his or her rights to sue the company. It does not matter if the business owner rents or owns the business. Whoever steps inside is the responsibility of the business. Customers, solicitors, employers and guests have protection under premises liability. Forbes explains that while property owners may be accountable, the business owner holds most of the burden.

If a business is responsible, what obligations does it have in terms of premises liability? To prevent liability claims, a business has an obligation to keep people safe. A business owner should inspect and look for any potentially unsafe conditions within the building itself. Without constant vigilance, accidents can occur. A business should recognize unsafe instances before someone learns of these unsafe circumstances through an injury.

If a business locates any unsafe areas or practices, it is under obligation to do something about it. It should correct the practices as soon as possible. There should be procedures in place to avoid any injury or harm to other people. In addition to taking the initiative and being ahead of the danger, you should see a warning if there are any unsafe areas. For instance, you probably notice wet floor signs in grocery stores. These signs warn others of potential danger. A business has an obligation to locate a problem, correct it and to warn others.

None of the above article is meant to be read as legal advice. It is for educational purposes only.

