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What you need to know about impaired driving in Georgia

On Behalf of | Dec 13, 2019 | Firm News |

A drinking and driving charge, known as a DUI in Georgia, could lead to quite a few serious penalties that have the potential to change your life. At Gammon, McFall & Villarreal, we often help people who have been arrested for impaired driving to fight the charges and minimize the impact on their lives. 

According to the Georgia Governor’s Office of Highway Safety, here are some facts about the state’s DUI laws and penalties. 

DUI convictions 

If you receive a conviction, you may face as much as a year in jail, between $300 and $1,000, up to a year’s license suspension, a $210 reinstatement fee to get your driver’s license back and at least 40 hours of mandatory community service. 

For subsequent convictions, penalties increase significantly, and you will likely have to complete substance abuse treatment at your own expense. You will also have to pay to have an ignition interlock device installed in your vehicle. 

Open container law 

If you have a bottle, can or other container with a broken seal or that is missing some of its alcoholic contents, you may face a charge for violating the open container law, even if you are a passenger in the vehicle and not the driver. This law does not apply to passengers who are on a bus or other vehicle designed to transport paying riders, or to the living areas of vehicles such as motor homes. 

If you are the driver and there are no passengers, law enforcement will assume that the container is yours. The fine for this violation is as high as $200. 

Many factors may affect whether or not a person receives a conviction. More information about Georgia DUI charges is available on our webpage. 

