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Spending enough time with your kids after divorce

On Behalf of | Mar 2, 2021 | Family Law |

When you know you want to end your marriage, you worry about how divorce may affect your relationship with your children. Even if you plan to share custody with your former spouse, you may have concerns that work, school and activities will interfere with quality time.

These tips can help you preserve your time with your kids even after you no longer live together full-time.

Agree on a custody plan

When you come to an agreement with your spouse about parenting time outside of court, you will have more flexibility about how to divide the time your child spends in each household. If you decide to go to court, the judge could order the standard Georgia custody schedule. With this arrangement, one parent has primary physical custody while the other typically receives every other weekend, alternating holidays and school vacations with the children.

Make new traditions

After the divorce becomes final, your children will need a regular routine to feel safe and secure. Even if you do not have 50/50 custody, make the most of the time you do have by starting special traditions. These can be as basic as pizza and movie every Friday night or breakfast together on Sunday mornings. The point is that your kids will see that you show up for them over and over.

Stay connected

When your kids are away, keep up the feeling of day-to-day connection with regular contact. Keep a standing weekly Facetime after school or text your child a silly meme that reminds you of them.

With these three steps, you can lay the foundation for a healthy new relationship with your children after divorce.

