Our Team Is At Your Side When Life Changes

Year: 2023

Navigating meth charges

Facing methamphetamine charges in Georgia can be a daunting experience, but understanding the process can help alleviate some of the uncertainties. The legal system in the state takes a firm stance against drug offenses. Knowing what to expect is important for those...

Family law cases involving temporary protective orders

In 2018, Georgia law enforcement responded to 44,900 family violence calls, according to the U.S. Department of Justice. Such situations can complicate things when a family is in court for custody issues or a divorce. These scenarios often involve a temporary...

Can you refuse a field sobriety test in Georgia?

You have the right to refuse field sobriety testing during a DUI stop in Georgia. When police pull you over on suspicion of DUI, they will likely ask you to participate in these tests, but there are reasons to decline. Use of field sobriety tests There are three...

Should you accept the insurance company’s settlement offer?

Insurance companies are often quick to offer settlements to people. However, it may not always be wise to accept this offer. Most of the time, accepting a settlement will give you less money than if you wait and negotiate with the company. Here are some tips to help...

Reasons you received a workers’ compensation claim denial

In 2021, 2.2-2.6 million individuals received injuries or became ill on the job, and in 2020, more than 118,000 people filed workers’ compensation claims. Although the average cost for these claims was over $41,000, not all workers’ compensation claims receive...

