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Dog Bites

Impacts of dog bites on the victim

As the summer months approach, people will be spending more time outdoors. This is a great time to enjoy nature, but you have to be careful if you are going to come into contact with dogs. There is a chance that you might come across a dog who is behaving...

Dog bites can occur even if you use proper safety procedures

Dog owners have a duty to ensure that their pet doesn't harm others. Unfortunately, not all dog owners take the time to properly socialize and train their animals. When they don't, they are putting everyone around them at risk of suffering from a dog bite. When you...

Dog bites injuries can be life-altering

A person who is bitten by a dog can suffer from serious scarring and possibly disfigurement. These can be easy to conceal if they are in a location where you can cover them with clothing. Bites to the face and hands usually don't qualify as ones that are easy to...

Animal bites can become infected, be cautious

The deep puncture wounds that occur when a dog or cat bites are the perfect environment for bacteria growth. This puts animal attack victims at risk of an infection developing at the injury site. It is imperative that anyone who has been bitten by any animal take the...

Dog bites can quickly become infected

Being bitten by a dog is a painful experience. Your first priority obviously needs to be getting away from the dog. From there, you will have to determine if you need to seek out medical care or not. It is imperative that you are very careful at this point, especially...

Why do dog bites lead to such serious injuries?

Did you know that a dog's jaws can exert 450 pounds of pressure per square inch? If you didn't know before, you do now. This is only one of the things that makes dog bites so horrible. This pressure, coupled with the fact that a dog's jaws are meant for tearing meat,...

Dog bites might be compensable under renter’s insurance policies

People who visit someone with a dog don't ever expect that the dog will turn on them. Sadly, canine bites from pet dogs do happen sometimes. When this is the case, the victim will have to determine how to handle the situation. In most cases, the priority is getting...

Know what to do if you are bitten by a dog

Dogs are sometimes unpredictable, which makes them rather dangerous in some instances. People who own dogs should make sure that they are socializing them and training them so that they can be around people without incident.There are some instances in which a dog will...

Emotional support animal bites airline passenger

Emotional support animals provide a valuable service for the people they serve. The issue with these animals is that they aren't always properly trained in how to deal with certain situations. Emotional support animals don't have the same training requirements that...

